Wednesday, September 26, 2007

out with fang & zhen today. =DD and is as usual, they r late! ok, i noe its all zhen's fault. cos she is sleeping like a pig (this is wat fang describe to me). hahahax.

have ichiban sushi as our breakfast + lunch + dinner. lolx, we only have a set meal which cost $15.90 and we r full till nite. hahahax. send fang to her tuition place (she giving tuition, not she having tuition). zhen & i regret doing that. lolx! we can actualli walk a shorter distance, but then fang bring us 1 whole round. =((

while waiting for fang to end her tuition, zhen & me went to had a cup of bubble tea. we were to lazy to walk. and the bubble tea's sealed entertained us. hahahahax! kia-kiaed abit and went to meet fang back. =DD on the way there, i saw kelly. and i will be seeing her again tml! wee. lolx.

watched 'balls of fury', an average show. missed dinner with sis but then i didnt wan to miss out having fun with the both of them. they r funny and they make my day. =DD alright, see the pics. i changed to leggings. LOLX!