Wednesday, September 12, 2007

received suckerpig's call early in the morning. woke me up from my beautiful dream. ROAR! hahax. cooked TWO packets of soba, totally cant finish it up. cos suckerpig tot that it will not be enough for 2 pigs.

after exam today, went to watch 'apartment 1303'. 1st 1408, next 1303. i wonder isit a lucky 4D no. hahahax! anyway, we jus pay to scare ourselves. hahahax! i think it was pretty fun today thou i am half dead. =DD

went to meet laiqing after that. eat at hong kong cafe. keep thinking whether should i cut my hair and laiqing is funny. cos when i decided to cut my hair, she will say: "sure anot? i think ur hair is alright ma, nth ugly." then ok! i decided to not cut, and she will say: "aiya, cut ba if u wan to cut". hahahax! ok, so conclusion, i didnt cut it. =))

i've been studying until late at nite these few days and then i almost fall asleep when doing the exam. i noe i going to flunk it. but jus hoping there will be some miracles. hahax. ok, im dozing off. zZz

the 2 packets of sobaSs.

the turtle. yes, again. lolx.

2 suckerpigs.

the seats number! its my birthday! =DD