Saturday, September 29, 2007

working days have been reduced from 4 days to 3 days per week. which means i have 4 days of playing days! hehehex! and working is always fun. i always HAHAHAX all the way until the end of work. =DD

sing karaoke with my fellow colleagues yesterday. sang for 5 hours and my throat almost break. hahahax! it feels like we tok more than singing, perhaps we should jus find a place to sit and chit chat. hahax.

that dirtypig msg me in the middle of the nite and she tot that my reply = her victory of waking me up. but she nv nv think of i actualli jus came back home half an hour ago instead of sleeping peacefully. hahahax!

Friday, September 28, 2007

ok, i noe im lame to post an entry in the middle of the nite. but i do not have enough time to blog tml morning. so ya anyway, i jus reached home 15 mins ago. hahahax. =))

ruiting & kelly came to my place in the afternoon. ruiting locked my house's gate & tell me to say 'i love you' to her so that she will help me to open up the gate. =(( so yeap, i said it with a 不心甘情愿 heart. hahahax! anyway we only slacked for awhile and off to meet qianru & jasmine. its like finally every1 can gather together after SO long. =DD

ate steamboat at bugis. i eat lots of fish today, no more 'yong tau foo' for me. hahahax! wanting came. share money and bought a birthday gift she choosed herself for her. lolx. and we stand at a corner and tok for like an hr b4 we finally decide to settle down at starbucks. dah, lolx.

we got lots to chat, i wonder why. and is as usual, ruiting & i is forever argue-ing. hahahax. she still go around & ask every1 will they miss us quarrelling everyday in those days. diaox! hahax. and kelly is funny, i cant stand her every actions. keep making me -.-"" yet HAHAHAX!

kelly's fren, bernard i think. fetched us to east coast, we r not viewing the beautiful moon nor we r chatting under the glamourous 月亮. we r.. ok, i shall not say it. =)) and after that, he send each & every1 home. saved the cab fare. hahahax!

hahahax. this is wat we do in the past.

see i told u, kelly is funny. & i dunno why, i keep calling her wendy. hahahahax!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

out with fang & zhen today. =DD and is as usual, they r late! ok, i noe its all zhen's fault. cos she is sleeping like a pig (this is wat fang describe to me). hahahax.

have ichiban sushi as our breakfast + lunch + dinner. lolx, we only have a set meal which cost $15.90 and we r full till nite. hahahax. send fang to her tuition place (she giving tuition, not she having tuition). zhen & i regret doing that. lolx! we can actualli walk a shorter distance, but then fang bring us 1 whole round. =((

while waiting for fang to end her tuition, zhen & me went to had a cup of bubble tea. we were to lazy to walk. and the bubble tea's sealed entertained us. hahahahax! kia-kiaed abit and went to meet fang back. =DD on the way there, i saw kelly. and i will be seeing her again tml! wee. lolx.

watched 'balls of fury', an average show. missed dinner with sis but then i didnt wan to miss out having fun with the both of them. they r funny and they make my day. =DD alright, see the pics. i changed to leggings. LOLX!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

its been almost a week since i last blogged. i can see dust and rubbish all over the place. hahahax.

gundu babi and i got better nth to do, so was practically eat and eat the whole day. the things we ate: KFC, 2 packets of cockles (i noe we gonna have hepetatis B sooner or later. hahahax!), mooncake, tom yam noodle, mocha frappucino, oreo cheesecake. i wonder how many KG will we gain. =(( yes, i go out with the same person again. ^^

and got bullied by gundu. *水汪汪的眼睛 @_@* lucky i nv got catch by ah pu nei nei. hahahax! played at the mrt station, was laughing like crazy. but gundu think im mad. =((

watched 'chuck & larry'. nice & funny show i can say. =DD dare gundu to eat 9 spoon of kimchi soup and she will get 1 free meal. she almost burst out crying, cos it is realli that spicy.

wanted to go chinese garden and play lantern today. but then, cancel our thoughts. cos gundu say there's no aircon & go there to feed mosquitoes. LOLX. and yes yes yes, im wearing the same old shorts. hahahax!

gundu thinks im scary, cos i still remember things that is happened a thousand of years ago. but i swear i didnt purposely remember it. =)) i noe im lame. but, hehe.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

have been seeing that suckerpig 3 days in a row. alright, i shall not call her suckerpig anymore, there just cant be 2 pigs. ok, a better but no better nick for u shall be gundu. (nickname might be changing again) short and simple. hahahax!

its super mr gundu's birthday yesterday. came early in the morning to her house just to iron her shirt and fold up her sleeves. my mother also din call me to iron my own clothes, yet i have to suffer iron gundu's clothes. ROAR.

was secretly discussed with wendy about how to celebrate gundu's birthday on phone the day b4. & gundu phoned me on the dot. -.-"" so, i place my phone as far as possible so she would not hear anything. but u noe, my voice is loud. so yeap, she heard afew lines of it and she get the picture. alittle disappointment thou. hahax.

went to cycle at east coast park. my legs almost break. hahax. eat at the hawker centre and i love the cockles. hahahax. & & have the half price waffles at the gelare. =DD went to clarke quay next. wendy and gundu actualli wanted to play the bungy ride. but was alittle too ex. so, they gave up. and gundu bought 2 little cutie pie, the tortise. =))

gundu stayover at my house. rented 3 vcds, but only manage to watch 2. anyway, the other 1 is free. hahahax. was sleeping damn shiok yet keep waking up by gundu. yes, she sux. =)) leaving my house at 2pm. and had seoul garden as both breakfast & lunch. but to gundu, i think its ur 3 meals. hahax. went to starbucks after that, and bought a piece of cake for her. u see, i am that nice! =))

dinner with mum, sis and her hubby at pasta de waraku. the food there is above average. but the atmosphere there is alittle too noisy. =)) i was super tired now. and tml there still work. shall end this entry with pictures. =))

folding up her sleeves. the price is to carry my bag. =))

the extra gift i bought for gundu, the luigi. be gd to turtle luigi! =))

this is the tortise gundu bought it. she says its her 龟儿子.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

back to work, lots of jokes cre8ted. i realli love the ppl there! =DD and my cute little nephew jus born yesterday i suppose. and i wonder wat will he call me in the future. like my niece, she call me 'baby ah yi'. =DD

out with qing today. we have been walking & eating around whole day long. hahax. initially we wanna eat 'pasta de waraku' for dinner at marina square. but we got bored walking there, so leaving that place and saying byebye to waraku. =(( i will eat u 1 day. yes, i promise. hahax!

and then we settle our dinner at geylang. eating dim sum there. i was bloated, yet qing say she is still hungry. =SS customize a pendant at the couple lab. yes, we r a pair. hahax. alright, the pendant only sell it as a pair. so, we tot of doing it together. =)) & say sayonara to qing at 10pm and she went to meet jasmine.

my nephew! =DD

there, the customized pendant. cant see the name thou. =))

Thursday, September 13, 2007

its was so surprise for suckerpig to actualli give me morning calls. i think i becoming more and more lazy becos of her. i noe, thats ur motive! =)) and her morning call is so great la. i think i going to learn afew style from her. hahahax!

i said something like "我屁股有动", and she heard as "我屁股有洞". so, she reply "没洞就惨了". and make me laugh like mad until i awake. hahahax! now then i notice suckerpig actualli have a sense of humour. lolx!

the 2 packets of sobaSs that we cooked on tue, finally finished them. =DD suckerpig let me see a show, and its totally disgusting. its the almost the same show as the 'protege', almost make me puke. *awrr..* and today is my last paper and also the start of my holiday. yippie!

holidays = 4 days of work and 3 days of playing time in a week. wee! im super excited. =DD thou not very wanted to work but, thinking of my colleagues makes me want to go back to work as soon as possible. i realli miss them SO much. =DD

thou look retarded, but i still think its funny. hahax!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

received suckerpig's call early in the morning. woke me up from my beautiful dream. ROAR! hahax. cooked TWO packets of soba, totally cant finish it up. cos suckerpig tot that it will not be enough for 2 pigs.

after exam today, went to watch 'apartment 1303'. 1st 1408, next 1303. i wonder isit a lucky 4D no. hahahax! anyway, we jus pay to scare ourselves. hahahax! i think it was pretty fun today thou i am half dead. =DD

went to meet laiqing after that. eat at hong kong cafe. keep thinking whether should i cut my hair and laiqing is funny. cos when i decided to cut my hair, she will say: "sure anot? i think ur hair is alright ma, nth ugly." then ok! i decided to not cut, and she will say: "aiya, cut ba if u wan to cut". hahahax! ok, so conclusion, i didnt cut it. =))

i've been studying until late at nite these few days and then i almost fall asleep when doing the exam. i noe i going to flunk it. but jus hoping there will be some miracles. hahax. ok, im dozing off. zZz

the 2 packets of sobaSs.

the turtle. yes, again. lolx.

2 suckerpigs.

the seats number! its my birthday! =DD

Monday, September 10, 2007

watched the last vcd we rented. suckerpig can still laugh about the typo error i made, instead of 'hao yi' i typed 'hong yi'. hahahax.

had my costing exam today. i was quite nervous. i was shivering when i doing my 1st question, but the following questions are ok. and 2 more exams to go b4 the holiday. im excited! =DD

went to vivocity. after the day suckerpig ate soba at my house, she bought lots of them at daiso. crazy uncle. i wonder how many exercises u must do after eating the sobaSs. hahax!

present to u, the macho guy. hahahax!

we were too nervous wat to pose for the picture. hahahax. aiya, u dunno 1 la. lolx.

suckerpig's 小绿.

the promoter of 新鲜海底椰. =))