Monday, June 15, 2009

A quick update before going back to study..

Went to Da Vinci Exhibition last Tuesday, suck. Because Mel already told me everything that she found on the net. So, that exhibition that cost me 15 bucks went down the drain.

Watched 'Land of the Lost' last Friday. Hmm, how should I rate the movie.. Not a nice story plot.. But it's very hilarious lah. I can still laugh when thinking about it.

Doing surveys at Raffles Place today because for the damn project. Each of us got 26 sets of survey. I don't even dare to approach people to help me do the survey.. Managed to get only 5 surveys done after 2 hours. So decided to just throw everything to my sister who is working there. Heh heh.. Saved my strength and face.

It's the 2nd week of the study week.. Almost complete everything.. But.. Aiya! I'm the one with the bird brain. I think I will forget it real fast and have to study all over again. =(( I hate exam/test. ROAR!