Tuesday, March 24, 2009

After seeing the news about the 8 prawns cost $200++ at newton, I got tempted to go Seoul Garden to eat alot alot of prawns. And for just $15! Roar! I dont know did I ate more than 3kg of prawns, but I know ALOT.

We go there only to eat the prawn and the chicken. Doesnt want to waste our money to eat those Yong Tau Foo stuffs. HAHAX! Oh! And of cos the dessert. =))

Ok, anyway Seoul Garden is our breakfast cum lunch cum dinner. Super full till we doesnt want to eat any more foodie.. 值不值得?? 值得!! =DD

After that went to watch 'Detriot Metal City'. Quite funny can. And I think Kenichi Matsuyama can really act! The guy that acted 'L' in 'Death Note', you know you know? =))

And its funny to see some strangers that you happened to notice 1 fine day and coincidentally keep seeing them after that day. I wondered.. they are the stalkers? Or isit just fated? HAHA!

Got nothing better to do since we didnt want to have our dinner, so we went to play 'Left 4 Dead'. So thats end of the day. =))

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Happy 30th Birthday Sister! =)) I shall join your '3' clan in 9 years time, and only for 3 months! Hahax!

Went to 'Pasta de Waraku' to give my sister a treat for her birthday. The food is so much that I cant finish everything, wasted.

Anyway, result is considered good, erm.. to me? =)) Is what I have expected and actually never expect much from it. =))

Ok, thats all. Bye!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Out with Baron, Wendy and Christine last Friday. Watched 'Dragonball'. And head to Bugis to had steamboat after that. Christine doesnt like us to throw those smelly items inside the soup, like cockles and bla...

And Christine is a super bad girl. Hahahax. And after that we went to play some $1 per hour lan shop around there. Its suck, really. So we played like half an hour and off we go. Went to Parco Bugis lan shop instead. Played for 2 hours, 'Left 4 Dead'. We can never complete a game. HAHAHA! Keep dying and back to the previous safehouse again.

Christine and Wendy shared a computer. 1 controlled the mouse, another controlled the keyboard. Super funny can. Hahaha!

Results out tml. GAH GAH GAH! I hate it. Off to read 'Thanks for the memories' now. =)) I want more Cecelia Ahern's books! All are on loan in the library! AR!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

I shall blog a very very loh soh post today since people are complaining my blog is too boring with my few sentences on every blog post. Ok, lets start.

I woke up 10am in the morning yesterday, called that uncle so that she wont be late and she said she already woke up like an hour ago and already bathed. So after that, I sitted up and stretched my arms and open my mouth big big to yAwN.. and stand up walking very unstable and brushed my teeth with my eyes closed and went to bath with the door opened cos I'm afraid of ghosts because of so much horror shows I've watched lately and plus nobody was at home. So GAH GAH GAH!

After bathing I went to apply toner, cream and moisturizer on my face and mama is back and started screaming in her usual high pitch voice and said.. "You bathe with the door open AR!?.. I know one.. So much water on the floor.. BLA BLA BLA" And I cant remember what she nagged already. And I went to blow my hair dry dry and called that uncle to see if she ready and again I know she definitely will be late. So I dilly dally LALALA.. And finally she is at the train station already and I went out of house to take the train and meet her at Raffles Place.

Accompanied her to Tiong Bahru to pay her school fee. And went to Douby Ghaut after that to meet Qing. Ate chicken rice, drank green tea and went to Cathay to play 'Left 4 Dead'. After 3 long hours.. Walked to Cineleisure to eat my favourite korean BBQ chicken. I don't know how we started our horror story talk but it seems like we are competing against each other who have the scariest story. And after don't know how many hours of stucking our butts to the foodcourt's chair, we left.

Wanted shopping cos I hate myself for wearing tees and shorts everytime, everywhere.. And tried a few pieces like the 2 photos above but seeing the price my jaw dropped on the ground but managed to put it back in place. So ended up I only purchased a shawl and a covered shoe. And going back home, but Qing said she is thirsty and so we get ourselve a drink at Toast Box and chatted some lame stuffs how I should blog and finally off we go to the MRT.

Begged Qing to send me home cos mama called and said her eyelid is twitching and I'm afraid of ghosts and so YEA! she sent me home. AR! Back home changed and went to brush my teeth, bathed, apply toner, cream, moisturizer, on the computer, looking at people's blog, off the computer, read P.S I Love You. And oink oink oink, I went to sleep. zZzZzz

Ar! I really hate to blog so much especially I know there are errors here and there. I almost delete the post, maybe I will but I shall see again. AR! Bye! 1st and the last long boring post.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Deffanie is super cute can. And I did not made her cry. =))

Watched 'Role Models', 'Marley and Me' and 'Watchmen' recently. 'Watchmen' suck seriously, almost 3 hours long of show but at the end of the show I still dont get what the show is showing about. People are leaving halfway in between the show, that shows how lousy the show is.

'Role Models' and 'Marley and Me' nice. Especially 'Marley and Me', I can hear people sobbing in the cinema. The dog is super cute, but I wouldn't want a super active dog.

I really hate watching horror shows but still like to watch it whenever the TV shows it. Cos everytime after watching it, I will imagine lots of things and I hate this feeling. Eeeee!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Out with friends on Saturday. Sang at TopOne, free mini hot pot. But it turn out to be cold pot. HAHA! Supper after that and home. =))

Anyway, long time since I last see most of them, about 1 year plus already. I do miss all of them especially RUI TING. HAHA! And we shall meet out someday again for prata or Aston. =))

Dumb photos..