Friday, January 30, 2009

I WANT THIS!! ROAR! But of cos it is too expensive to get one for myself, unless I tio 4D.

Think of it.. I didnt buy 4d by myself before. Maybe I will buy a set of number this week, God pls let me tio bei pio. HAHAHA!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Bring Deffanie to my relative's house yesterday. She look so cute lah. =))

Look very very sweet right.. =))

And this is my nephew, Benson. =))

And after relative's house, went out with qing and piggy. Watched 'All Well End Well', nicer as compared to 'Love Matters'. It sucks.

Ang Baos is alot this year. BIG wide smile* =DD But I dont like the feeling of Chinese New Year. ROAR. Ok, bye. =))

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Tml will be the Eve of Chinese New Year. Pretty excited about it, cos I'm always love to eat those food that is prepared for this day. =DD

What I more excited about is the ang baos I going to receive this year. Hopefully, 有增无减. Cos I'm gonna save the ang baos money for something special this year. =))

I thought I will be enjoying this weekends, but sadly no. =(( Cos I have to prepared for my exams already and still got 1 more project to go. ROAR! Don't know how to do flash, lazy to read up online. Can anyone just help me to do one? HAHAHAX!

I really hate SMRT staffs. Yes, I understand that no food and drinks are allowed in the train station, maybe because they afraid of ppl will start to litter?? But I am drinking plain water with my own water bottle, like that also cannot? ROAR. And what if babies are crying and they want their milky milky, mothers are not supposed to give them milk too?

Apart from that, no food and drinks are allowed outside the train station too. I wonder why?? No label no everything, but when they see you eating they will just ask you to shoo.. SUCK.

I'm hungry now, MAMA I want Foodiee..

Monday, January 19, 2009

Found this photo on piggy's phone. Taken during like erm.. 1 year ago?? I cant remember. And I think I do have a beautiful back. Hahahax!

Exam schedule out. Happy! Cos I will be having my holiday one week earlier. =DD And so, I will have exactly 2 months of holiday! But I wonder when can I start my revision. Cos I still have 3 more projects to go.. ROAR!

Starhub channel is free. Watched it yesterday and it goddamn funny. HAHAHAX!

Friday, January 16, 2009

I really out of photo to post already, so I can only post outdated photos here. This 2 pictures, I am only 16 years old. =))

And I realise my complexion is really good at that time, I always find it weird how can people have so much pimples on their face. Karma.. I've got super ugly face after that year.. =((

Ok, just finish my 'Critical Reasoning Skill' presentation on Monday. And I really hate Lily. 1st time in my whole life, I've presented for an hour. Mad!

Watched 'Red Cliff'. Nice, makes me want to know the history of the three kingdoms. =)) Ok, byebye.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

When I am still afew months baby.. =))

Ugly. A spec with no degree, last time I'm already so fashion. HAHAHAX!

During p4. Spot me. =))

Studying for just the 2nd week but it is already killing me. Lily is being so lazy herself, and yet she expects her students to be hardworking. Suck.

Although I dont really like Chinese New Year, but I really need a break now. ROAR.

Thursday, January 1, 2009


- Just the beginning of 2008, and I've lost my clique in ITE. Just so suddenly they treated me like invisible, I do feel sad ok but acted like I don't even bother. Even though, I still in contact with Wendy now but I didnt even ask about it. So like even if I'm dead, I still not sure how I die.

- My final year in ITE and also the beginning in Poly. Although I always wanted to come to Poly, but regretted cos it make my life super un-fun. ROAR! But get to know the click 5 is still great. That Tian Yang still can thought I am his GF during the 1st day of school, cos he say I and his GF look so alike. Dumb. Hahahax!

I cant remember anymore major things that had happened during 2008, only know that ever since I get into Poly, my life is always packed with projects, tutorials and studying for tests and exams. So overall, 2008 is still a great year for me. =))

And for 2009, I hope..

- To get good result (Ok, at least not a bad result.)
- Good health
- Better temper (Though ppl always see me as a happy-go-lucky person, but I always got fed up easily but hide my emotions well enough with a smile on my face.)
- To win 4D. Hahahax!

Ok, I think thats about it. So bye! Happy New Year. =))