Thursday, September 25, 2008

GAH GAH GAH. Have not been blogging for almost 2 weeks. Computer dead, but back alive again just 4 days ago. Life seems so miserable without computer, how i wish i am IT expert. =((

Anyway, result out last week. Sucky result, but don't know why i didnt feel anything as compared to when i got back my sucky ITE result. I thought i will be sad, but eh don't have leh. Hahahax!

Pay is coming! I'm gonna buy alot alot of things! Wee! I even wrote down a shopping list already! Lalala!

I fall down while carrying Deffanie. I injured my foot, while Deffanie hit her head. I think she still in pain, but she still come and sayang my foot. So adorable. =DD

School starts on 13 Oct. ARH! I don't want. =((

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Out with poly's clique on wed. Had steamboat at bugis, yummilicious.

Funny thing happened, CY were talking about his favourite's and was saying that his favourite's ran 1st in cross country. And I replied him by saying, 'no wonder 你追不到她'. HAHAHA!

I bought a tigger suit for Deffanie. $16 just fly like that, she didnt appreciate it and i ended up getting a bite from her. It is super painful, i cried because it was all too sudden, i was sleeping and she just bite it. =(( She bite it like eating pork, and now i got a blue black on my left arm. ROAR!

She also kissed me on my lips while I'm sleeping. =DD

I hate to work when I'm sick. I'm having real bad headache even I've slept for more than 12 hours yesterday. =(( And present to you is my 'department' colleagues. =)) That pig was standing on files, she definitely will become stupid because when i were young, mama told me not to disrespect books, if not you will become stupid. Hahahax! Files and books are the same i suppose. Heh heh.

Will be having buffet tomorrow! =DD Because nephew Benson's birthday tomorrow! Free food, my love! Hahahax!

Result will be out on the 17th Sept, I do not wish to check it, but it will send sms to my phone. So aw! I wish it will not spoil my mood. =((

I got to have my beauty sleep now. =))

Sunday, September 7, 2008

I saw Russell Lee at Toa Payoh's Popular! Hahahax! I wonder how many people have acted Russell Lee since nobody knows how he look. Hahahax!

I was sick i told you, I was so cold that i have to cover 2 blankets. Like ba zhang I know. Spot Ele!

Deffanie. Always so cute. =))

I want that sucker's bag! I'm gonna steal from her, yes i gonna steal from her. Hahahax!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Lack of update recently, was occupied with work. Straight after the next day of my final exam, i'm working. How lucky can i be. Hahahahax!

I'm so tired that i fall sick, or is it the air con in the office so cold that i feeling so sick. ROAR! The time past fast during work, but you always got the stress that you will get scolded by the ppl there. =((

Bought a new adidas jacket *finally!* I have been wearing that damn red adidas jacket for 4 years! Nono, im not a adidas' fan, which ever design that i think its nice i will just buy it. =))

Going to bathe now and sleep! Sayo!