Thursday, September 25, 2008

GAH GAH GAH. Have not been blogging for almost 2 weeks. Computer dead, but back alive again just 4 days ago. Life seems so miserable without computer, how i wish i am IT expert. =((

Anyway, result out last week. Sucky result, but don't know why i didnt feel anything as compared to when i got back my sucky ITE result. I thought i will be sad, but eh don't have leh. Hahahax!

Pay is coming! I'm gonna buy alot alot of things! Wee! I even wrote down a shopping list already! Lalala!

I fall down while carrying Deffanie. I injured my foot, while Deffanie hit her head. I think she still in pain, but she still come and sayang my foot. So adorable. =DD

School starts on 13 Oct. ARH! I don't want. =((