Monday, November 26, 2007

i got lots to blog actualli, but suddenly feel that i have suffer from short term memory. i cant remember much, jus bit & pieces. =))

caught the 'enchanted'. i find it super nice, perhaps its becos of the musical part. dumbo fall asleep in the cinema and throw popcorns at other ppl, so inconsiderate.

that dumb making me walking in the water of vivocity for like almost 2hrs? i dunno. she doesnt wan to sit down, so my feet become like ah ma's feet. 皱皱的. =((

saturday work. christine make me laugh like mad & i didnt see wendy until almost the end of work. but still happy. hahahax.

went to sch today jus to take the accounting CA. i cant balance. ROAR, forget it. =)) it look like i have to go to simei twice a day. ROAR, forget about that too. =)) turtle stayover at my place today. hahahax. momi miss turtle many many many. =DD

ok, i dunno wat to blog already. thats all, byebye. =))

the christmas tree at vivo. =))