Monday, November 26, 2007

i got lots to blog actualli, but suddenly feel that i have suffer from short term memory. i cant remember much, jus bit & pieces. =))

caught the 'enchanted'. i find it super nice, perhaps its becos of the musical part. dumbo fall asleep in the cinema and throw popcorns at other ppl, so inconsiderate.

that dumb making me walking in the water of vivocity for like almost 2hrs? i dunno. she doesnt wan to sit down, so my feet become like ah ma's feet. 皱皱的. =((

saturday work. christine make me laugh like mad & i didnt see wendy until almost the end of work. but still happy. hahahax.

went to sch today jus to take the accounting CA. i cant balance. ROAR, forget it. =)) it look like i have to go to simei twice a day. ROAR, forget about that too. =)) turtle stayover at my place today. hahahax. momi miss turtle many many many. =DD

ok, i dunno wat to blog already. thats all, byebye. =))

the christmas tree at vivo. =))

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

i didnt like digital camera. the file is always so BIG and making me have to wait for the photos to be transferred for like dunno how many hrs or even days (cos its either me or the 1 who send the photos will disconnect half way). ROAR.

its jianwen's birthday last saturday. went to his house right after work. got lots of yummy yummy food, but when i reached the food was already cold. =(( i was the last 1 reaches there, thats why. =((

craps alot alot. they played cream fight too. hopefully, no cream cake during my birthday. a pandan cake will do. hahahax! stay at his house all the way up to 11 and went to clark quay. =))

continue the crapping at TCC. talk about sec sch stuffs. and i didnt noe i have done alot alot of things which i dun even remember. hahax. even on the way back home in the cab, zhixiang was still entertaining every1. he dun even need to reload. hahax!

was actualli planning to go play bball with the guys & qing. but then, i was over-tired. i dun even remember qing calling me & i didnt noe i shout at her in the phone too. =))

out with qing after that, went to sing kbox. =)) then off to meet that dumbo. she came jus to see i buy "黑糖玛奇朵" and off we went home. she is lame, she say my pillow can murder dogs. hahahax!

the yummy yummy food.

the girls..

the guys..

and everybody. =DD

2 mini cup cakes from dumbo. =))

Thursday, November 15, 2007

turtle stayover at my place the day b4. =)) he is so happy lala all the way till i return him to his mapa the next day. hahahax. i will tell the story as the pictures goes.. =))

his mapa tell me to take care of turtle while i am working. (that dumbo tot wat?! daycare centre ar?!) and so, i got no choice but to left him in the locker 1st. my poor step-son is so afraid of the dark, but forgive momi.

turtle is so happy, u see he is smiling! =DD he finally out of that dark dark place. WEE!

turtle was saying, "this is momi's working place! and its time to go home!".

turtle says:"=(( 2 more mins.."

turtle finally back home. thou not the 1st nite turtle staying at momi's house, but is the 1st nite only we 2 staying together. =DD and turtle was so happy till he keep rolling over here and there. i was happy too, so i join him by eating sushi roll. =DD

after eating sushi roll, its my habit to drink a packet of green tea. (my house only have green tea thats why) turtle think its nice and have a sip of it. and he wan MORE! so greedy!

and later i cant see him anywhere, 原来 he was hiding inside the fridge busying finding more green tea. sadly, i only left 4 packets. =((

turtle is smart, infact very smart. he went to surf the net and view my blog to see whether i have blogged him inside. sad to say, i didnt. and he was crying for like 5 mins until i say, momi loves u many many. then he stopped. =DD

after that, we playing hide and seek. i told you he is clever! he noe his skin colour same as the bed and so, he jus lie on the bed. i have a serious headache finding him at that time. =(( he doesnt wan momi to keep eating panadol. and so, he call out MOMI! then i noe where he hiding. hehex.

after playing, we already sweat like mad. but, turtle says he wan to bath 1st. so he quickly run to the bathroom.

i noe i noe, i shoulden peep when ppl is bathing. but is my step-son leh! why i cannot peep! =))

turtle woke up in the middle of the nite to pee. but caught in action. he was complaining why the toilet bowl is so high.

turtle seldom sees his step-brother and sister. so he request to take a photo with them b4 handling him back to his mapa. =DD

turtle is a gd boy. and momi loves u many many. =DD

Sunday, November 11, 2007

had a gathering with my sec sch frens on fri. dinner at 'new york new york' 1st then to clark quay, 'kandibar'. thou fun, but i still quite regretted going. hahax! should have gone bowling instead. =))

played and craps alot alot. and i lost my crown ring. =(( blame my ring is not shining enough, the place is too dark till kian hua only manage to find a 10cents coin. went off early at 2am. and its my 1st time to see an accident right infront of my eyes. lucky or not? hahax.

laiqing's phone dropped into the toilet bowl and then flushed it. hahahax! at that point of time when she told me, i burst out laughing right away. and she is great too, pass her illness to me. now i am sick. =((

slept exactly 8 hrs yesterday. and woke up by dumbo, she still calculate whether i have exactly 8 hrs of sleep b4 phone-ing me. hahax.

i waited for 2 hrs jus to wait for that dumbo's hair to be cut. =S went to orchard next and ate my fav wanton mee. =DD i wanted to buy back my crown ring. but sadly, it didnt have my size. =((

bought a $10 watch, dumbo bought 1 too. so the person charge us 2 watches for... $19! hahahax! we bought 1 for wendy too. =DD arcade bball machine changed. and the bball is so bouncy. dumbo threw, and the ball bounced and flew to dunno where. hahahax!

wendy came and meet us after her work. craps until 11pm and say 'home, im coming!' O.O my working schedule is great. i only need to work 2 days per week. ok, my eyes is 3/4 closed. thats all. =))

my favourite dog. added a crown on it head. hahax!

turtle new wig. sponsor by.. my bag. =((

Thursday, November 8, 2007

watched halloween & ferryman. both r disgusting and some sexual appearance. i almost puke out after watching the halloween. ferryman is only a 'soso' compared to halloween.

wendy and that dumbo played bball 2 days in a row, i only joined them for afew mins. i dun realli like playing bball (except for that arcade game). =))

sch dismissed early yesterday, went kia kia with dumbo. i dunno wat happen to me yesterday, was too thirsty until i drink 7 bottles of 500ml of water. =S

deepavali today. was suppose to go swimming with wendy and dumbo. but then, last min manager called and tell me and wendy to go to work. sorry.

cant see me, cant see us.