Sunday, May 4, 2008

suddenly miss my past school life SO MUCH.

so super stress free and there's always fun. the only time you got to stress is when examination coming.

i always tot that becos i can handle my time real well, thats why i can play and study at the same time without affecting my result. but i was wrong.

poly seems so tough than i tot. i cant play hard, i dun have enough time for my friends. all my mind was thinking about projects, homeworks and everything that is link to school work.

after ITE, i only have got 3 weeks of holidays and i got to study in a stress environment. its suck.

thou i always wanted to come to poly, but i regretted now. i rather step into the working society. so what if i can earn alot in the future, i dun have enough life to spend it.

since i already step into this 贼船 and already promise my sis to get gd grades. i can only continue and stress for 3 years.

ok, i will feel better.

this stefani noe how to call 'jiejie' already, more obedient and less naughty now.